Author Topic: U.S. National Championships (sort of)  (Read 69942 times)

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Re: U.S. National Championships (sort of)
« Reply #90 on: May 08, 2007, 10:19:17 AM »
Yes - I will accept the responsibility for our defeat. . .  :'(

I am still not quite sure on how/where things fell apart for the Axis - especially after the fantastic start we had that Eric commented on above.

My casualties in France were very light and we picked up a good chunk of the French navy. . .

I think I allowed the u-boat compaign to suck in too many of my resources and I got a little over-confident with our early successes and thought he game was as good as won - I will not underestimate the boys from Detroit a second time.

I played less head to head against Yoper - but Eric and Dan played an excellent game - very few mistakes and they capitalized on just about all of mine.  Eric played it very cool with the UK and did not overcommit his resources early. . .I even rolled a little hot against the Russians - and they still stopped me cold.  Definately want a shot at Dan and Eric again. . .


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Re: U.S. National Championships (sort of)
« Reply #91 on: May 08, 2007, 04:09:41 PM »
If I had to pick the MVP of the contest, it would be Dan (USSR).

Not only did he prosecute the fight extremely well but he also did a magnificent job of managing his production of the right units.

He was always able to counter-punch the German attacks in such a way that he was never put in an untenable position.

The Germans never broke through the Soviet lines in a way that forced the USSR to fall back.  Dan kept the Germans at a managable position in the Soviet Union so that he retained enough PPs for himself and denied those same PPs from Mark.

Couple that with Eric picking the right times to kick the Germans in the back side and you have a fine recipe for an Allied victory.

Mark- I played less head to head against Yoper - but Eric and Dan played an excellent game - very few mistakes and they capitalized on just about all of mine.  Eric played it very cool with the UK and did not overcommit his resources early. . .I even rolled a little hot against the Russians - and they still stopped me cold.  Definately want a shot at Dan and Eric again. . .

Did I not say that I would shield myself from your wrath with some quality players? ;D

I may not be the best player but I'm not stupid. ;)


John D.

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Re: U.S. National Championships (sort of)
« Reply #92 on: May 09, 2007, 04:30:26 AM »
    Mark and I have got to make up for this one. After getting a chance to review the pics, now our New England group wants a shot at playing the Detroit group. One or 2 may be coming to Origins partly for this purpose... 8)

I wonder what would happen if we lost 2 in a row!? We'd never live it down. :o ;D



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Re: U.S. National Championships (sort of)
« Reply #93 on: May 10, 2007, 12:44:02 AM »
Well, you would have to settle for partial revenge since I don't see Dan going to Origins.  That is unless you guys made some ridiculous challenge that he couldn't pass up. ;)

I know that Eric and I will be there. 

We could have two games going- one for the people who are interested in learning and one for us to trade blows!

Just a thought.


John D.

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Re: U.S. National Championships (sort of)
« Reply #94 on: May 10, 2007, 03:14:40 AM »
Ok - I will make a ridiculous challange that he can't pass up. You know Dan - What do I need to do?

Dishonor him? Taunt him? Make fun of his mom? ;)



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Re: U.S. National Championships (sort of)
« Reply #95 on: May 10, 2007, 12:55:30 PM »
Maybe money, women or . . .whiskey?

I have to redeem myself. . . I can't sleep, eat. . .when I close my eyes all I see are hordes or Russian tanks - Origins is my only hope. . . ;D


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Re: U.S. National Championships (sort of)
« Reply #96 on: May 10, 2007, 03:05:42 PM »
Maybe money, women or . . .whiskey?

I have to redeem myself. . . I can't sleep, eat. . .when I close my eyes all I see are hordes or Russian tanks - Origins is my only hope. . . ;D

He's Baptist- so no whiskey! ;)

What?  You want a rematch that has you as the Germans again and him as the Soviets?

It would be interesting to see how you go against the USSR now that you have seen how he handles them.  :-\

I think you need to go straight to the source and beg for another chance.  That and pay for his room.  ;D


John D.

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Re: U.S. National Championships (sort of)
« Reply #97 on: May 12, 2007, 12:34:44 AM »

He's Baptist- so no whiskey! ;)

Vodka would have been more appropriate anyways.

I will check with Dan.

Mark may just have to live with himself for the rest of his life... :'(

John :)


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Re: U.S. National Championships (sort of)
« Reply #98 on: May 12, 2007, 08:42:12 AM »
Dan has been monitoring your lamentation (i.e.- moaning and wailing) and was inquiring about what my and Eric's schedules for Origins would be.,

My plan is to play your game Thursday and most of Friday, but then go play in the A&A Revised tourney starting Friday evening.

Dan was thinking about coming down Friday morning and then playing Friday and Saturday.

You might be able to convince him to still do that but I won't be available and I don't know what Eric is planning to do with his time at Origins.  He could probably be convinced to play then if Dan is there.



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Re: U.S. National Championships (sort of)
« Reply #99 on: May 13, 2007, 02:15:58 PM »
The more the merrier - one or two folks from our New England group are planning on going too (I guess with the hope of being able to play against the "masters" from Detroit (Geesh  :P). . . So I think we will be bringing two games.  ;D

So, the A&A tournament starts Friday evening, huh?  I guess will keep a seat open for you, Yoper,  on Saturday morning then   ;)


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Re: U.S. National Championships (sort of)
« Reply #100 on: May 13, 2007, 02:31:08 PM »
So, the A&A tournament starts Friday evening, huh?  I guess will keep a seat open for you, Yoper,  on Saturday morning then   ;)

Well, that would make sense if the tourney was Single-Elimination.  But since it is three rounds of preliminary play and then the teams with the better records moving on to SE rounds, I will be playing at least until Saturday afternoon.

That should save you some embarassment.  :o

Don't worry you will have had enough of me on Thrusday and Friday that you won't want any more. ;)
