Author Topic: AA fire  (Read 14203 times)

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John D.

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Re: AA fire
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2015, 11:14:15 AM »
Just as a game observation- I have found that strat bombing is pretty difficult to pull off as is - just saying... The heavy saving throws now make it an option economically ...


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Re: AA fire
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2015, 11:59:05 AM »
I would have to disagree John, we are prob talking about strat bombinh the Ruhr area since in Bremen you can get around from the ocean. If you have an AA unit in Holland and one in Ruhr, 1/6 chance to bounce back in Holland,  and another 1/6 at Ruhr. That's 70% of your air units will go thru. If you use the proposed rule, that's 16AA factors in the Ruhr area, 75% of the air units will go thru. So at the first example you had a 30% success rate but you had to spent 10 PPs to accomplish that, at the second example you had a 25% success rate but you didn't spend a single PP. the 5% difference will be negated with the extra fighter you will be able to build with the 10 PPs that you didn't have to spend on AA units. That's some ideas to make the game a little more realistic
« Last Edit: September 13, 2015, 12:03:04 PM by georgemak1 »

John D.

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Re: AA fire
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2015, 02:25:48 PM »
Oh - I understand - you are not taking fighter defense into account. Then I would agree with your odds  ;)


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Re: AA fire
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2015, 01:00:13 AM »
I guess I was still not yet bought into the idea of the intrinsic AA value of territories.  .  . I was just suggesting to eliminate the fly-over AA.  It seems to me that AA is already pretty powerful in this game.

If folks disagree, maybe we could allow factory territories to have an intrinsic AA value of their printed value (but not 2x their printed value).

John D.

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Re: AA fire
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2015, 01:52:33 AM »
I tend to feel that if you want AA to protect your factories - you should just buy it. It's part of military expenditure - you have a choice on how to spend production. Combined Axis production can buy 20 points of AA per turn - if you want to expend your resources. The fun part about building units is that it is very personalized. Just my thoughts...