Author Topic: 2nd edition question  (Read 5484 times)

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2nd edition question
« on: February 20, 2015, 02:03:58 PM »
Apologies if I missed this somewhere but I couldn't find my answer in another of the other posts.

I own the 1st edition of the full game (Europe & Asia).  I was excited to see a 2nd edition and have downloaded the updated rules to take a look.  My question is how much of the materials from the 1st edition are usable with the new rule set.  Has the map been changed significantly?  Player Aid cards, Production charts, etc.  Will I need to buy the game in its entirety or is there some sort of upgrade kit?  Anyway thanks for any info you can give me and for a great game.  I have really enjoyed the game I own over the years.


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Re: 2nd edition question
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2015, 07:52:19 AM »
Quite a bit has changed from the first edition: map, country production charts, units, battleboards, and rules.  Most of the miniatures are compatible with the second edition, but it is recommended that they get mounted on the counters.  Because you bought the first edition, we will figure out an upgrade cost to get you what you need for the second edition.  Will send an email and copy John.

thanks - and glad you enjoyed the first edition game for so many years!