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Latest Detroit Game- 39 start
« on: September 13, 2011, 02:33:45 AM »
We have been playing a 39 game for the last month or so.

Eric- USSR/China/France
Craig- US/UK
Dan- Italy/Japan
Mike- Germany

Dan ran all the Axis in the first and third session while Mike was there for the second and fourth session.

We are playing with the following rule changes:

1) US/USSR Event Driven Entry-
Use the US/USSR Event Driven Entry charts for the bringing of these two countries into the war.

2) Alternate Italian Surrender Chart-
Use the Italian Morale Table and associated Dobbin Game Group info to determine the status of Italy in the game.

3) Revised VP Requirement-
Use the Revised VP Chart for determining game victory conditions.
4) Spanish and Turkish War Reluctance-
Axis minors Turkey and Spain do not immediately join the Axis upon successfully rolling a trigger entry for them. Instead, it takes two successful trigger rolls to bring Spain or Turkey into the war.

On the first successful trigger roll, Spain or Turkey become “pro-Axis” neutrals and contribute half of their production points to Germany rounded up (like Sweden) every turn. Upon the second successful trigger roll, Spain or Turkey join the Axis as a regular Axis minor ally as discussed above.

5) Fall of France-
France falls when one of the following conditions applies:
•   The European Axis occupy four (4) territories in France at the end of the Axis half of a game turn.
•   The European Axis occupy three (3) territories in France at the end of the Allied half of a game turn.  The applicable territories must be “in supply”.
•   The European Axis occupy Paris with 5 (or more) ground units.

6) Limited Airbase Capacities-
Mountainous, desert/arid and forest/jungle territories that are not production centers (do not have a national flag) have limited infrastructure and can support only one air unit until more infrastructure airbases are built.

Only one plane may remain in one of these territories at the conclusion of a movement phase. If players are forced to move or retreat planes to territories where the airbase capacity is exceeded, excess planes are eliminated at the owning players’ choice.

Players may build airbases to increase air unit capacities in these spaces. During the production phase, a player may spend 4 production points to construct an airbase at any territory they own at the beginning of the turn. At the conclusion of the turn, during “place new units on the board” phase, a 3 plane capacity airbase may be placed in the territory. Territories with an airbase can accommodate up to 3 planes instead of just one during any phase after the airbase has been placed on the board.

Three plane capacity airbases may be upgraded to 5 plane capacity bases in the same manner as airbases are built and cost an additional 3 production points.

Gibraltar, Tunisia, Tripoli, Cairo, Calcutta, Manila, and Hawaii start the game with 3 plane capacity airbases.

7) Extra Airbases-
In addition to the Optional Rule concerning Limited Airbase Capacities, we have added more airbases.  New 3 plane capacity airbases- Malta, Midway, the Caroline Islands.

8 ) Airbase Reaction to Uncontested Amphibious Assaults-
Airbases allow the reaction of air units into an adjacent seazones to contest an amphibious assault.  There doesn’t need to be a naval combat in the seazone as per the normal rules.

9) Parachute Assaults during the Mechanized Phase-
Allow parachute assaults during the mechanized phase with the following rules: If neither the bomber nor the paratrooper move (or conduct combat) during the regular movement & combat phase, the bomber may para-drop the paratrooper on the mechanized movement phase.

10) Air Transport during the Mechanized Phase-
Infantry class units may be air transported during the Mechanized Phase, but the territory that the land unit is being transported to must have been friendly controlled from the start of the current turn.

11) Naval AA Fire-
The naval AA fire has been adjusted to include abort shots.  A naval task force in a sea zone has as many AA shots as the total number listed for those units on the Naval Warfare Combat Chart.

First, the ships fire as many kill shots as there are attacking air units.  AA fire is targeted during the kill shot phase, so specific air units are rolled for separately.  Next, any excess AA shots are fired and these hits would then abort any remaining air units (up to the number of hits rolled).  These shots are general and the attacker would choose which air units are aborted from the battle.

Any remaining air units would then fire at their chosen targets.  Remember, the attacking air units make their targeting determination prior to AA fire, and can only fire at that target once AA fire has been resolved.

Example: Italy has nine AA shots with its fleet and it is attacked by three UK air units.  Based on the above rule change, the Italians would roll three targeted kill shots and resolve any casualties.  Then, it would roll six general abort shots at any remaining attack air units to see if it forces any of those units out of the battle.

12) Naval Units Taking Damage-
Nothing is for certain, even the ability of ships to stay afloat after taking damage.

Immediately after taking a hit on any Battleship or a U.S., British, German, or Italian carrier, the owning player rolls a die. If the result is a “6”, then the battleship or carrier will be eliminated at the end of the combat round instead of being damaged.

Immediately after taking a hit on any cruiser or a Japanese fleet carrier, the owning player rolls a die. If the result is a “5” or “6”, then the cruiser or carrier will be eliminated at the end of the combat round instead of being damaged.

Treat damaged Japanese fleet carriers like U.S. fleet carriers (can only carry one plane).

13) DD ASW-
A destroyer is required for air units to attack an enemy submarine.   

We have had some interesting game playout.  The biggest choice was the attack by the Germans against Spain.  That occupied them long enough that we now have a stalemated Eastern Front that is being fought in Poland and Romania.

The US finally entered that game in the Fall of 1942 and Dan didn't attack the US with Japan because he was watching how long he could keep the US out.

We have been discussing the USSR tension system and we are looking to seriously/completely overhaul it.  The ability of the Soviets to drive its own entry into the war is still a lot like the base game mechanism.  Multiple ideas have been proposed and we continue to debate the individual merits of each.

We shall play it out and see if the Axis can grind out a conditional win.  Or I should say that some want to play it out and others are looking to get out and start again.  It will be interesting to see what we will be the choice.  I tend to believe that we should play it out and see if the Axis can hang on, especially since the Japanese just showed up and are jumping out to grab VP.



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Re: Latest Detroit Game- 39 start
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2011, 08:25:53 PM »
Cool, Yoper - glad you guys are having another game!  It looks like many of the house rules you guys have come up with we have incorporated into the advanced game.

Was it worth it for the Germans to attack Spain?  Did they take-out Gibraltar? 

. . .It sounds like you may win one! 


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Re: Latest Detroit Game- 39 start
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2011, 01:27:34 AM »
Dan commented that it took them (the Axis) a turn too long to get Gibraltar and that put the Germans in a bad place for the Eastern Front.

I would have to say that the Soviet Entry system allowed the USSR to enter the war too soon based on their actions, not the Axis.  That is the main point of discussion from my mind. 

I can see that you set up the system to still allow the Soviets the ability to max the builds in such a way that they can declare come the summer of 1941.  The main culprit in the system being the Draw 2 cards for both the first medium armor and the first regular fighter.  The Draw 1 for each factory placed is also a problem.

I have come up with an alternate chart that is based mostly on Axis actions/events.  Even the few events that are based on Soviet actions are for occupation reasons, not production reasons.

. .It sounds like you may win one! 

As for my ability to actually win a game, I was crushing Dan's Soviets in our first game back after a long layoff, but that was also the first game for our new guy and his Japanese were getting their ass handed to them.  Even though we now tend to agree that Eric's 41 Scenario is a bit overloaded for the Germans, it was more about playing a bit differently that Dan is used to from me that allowed me to keep him off balance.

Plus, I run all of the Axis during one of the first sessions and I put the Italians in a bad spot from that get-go.  I had a brain cramp and sent them to Egypt en-masse like I was playing a 39 game.  OOPS!  Here come the Brits into the Western Med.


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Re: Latest Detroit Game- 39 start
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2011, 11:16:12 PM »
Isn't Eric the guy to beat in Detroit?  Has he ever lost a game?

John and I will have to have a rematch with you guys at Origins or GenCon. . .but playing the advanced game this time. . .



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Re: Latest Detroit Game- 39 start
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2011, 01:36:49 AM »
Isn't Eric the guy to beat in Detroit?  Has he ever lost a game?

John and I will have to have a rematch with you guys at Origins or GenCon. . .but playing the advanced game this time. . .


Beating Eric is such a rare occurence that we have a party when it happens. :o ;D :D

Still haven't gotten the new guy to print up the map for the advanced game.  I had a tough enough time getting Dan to come to Origins for the base game, I don't know if I can get him to upgrade to the advance game.

You still need to beat Dan in the base game before you move up to the advanced game anyway. :P :P :P 

John D.

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Re: Latest Detroit Game- 39 start
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2011, 05:08:33 PM »
How about coming to Massachusetts?


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Re: Latest Detroit Game- 39 start
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2011, 03:03:09 AM »
How about coming to Massachusetts?
I've looked at it.  A bit out of my monetary class, but I will keep it in mind.  Maybe things will change.  You came to us so I will always look to return the favor.

Dan definitely will not be able to do something like that- comfort level or more importantly, monetarily.

Eric is coming off of a couple of years of job shifting and a recent divorce, so that too would make it tough.

John D.

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Re: Latest Detroit Game- 39 start
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2011, 05:26:07 PM »
Well  - when Mark gets back - maybe we'll do it again! If you'll have us...


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Re: Latest Detroit Game- 39 start
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2011, 07:32:50 AM »
Well  - when Mark gets back - maybe we'll do it again! If you'll have us...

We always welcome an "easy" target! ;) :D ;D


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Re: Latest Detroit Game- 39 start
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2011, 03:47:06 AM »
yeah yeah. . . we will see.  I'll keep on making new games until I win one. . . :)  Would love to get back out there to play you guys for a weekend again.  We will do it


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Re: Latest Detroit Game- 39 start
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2011, 09:22:26 AM »
yeah yeah. . . we will see.  I'll keep on making new games until I win one. . . :)  Would love to get back out there to play you guys for a weekend again.  We will do it

We will have to pit you against me.  That way you don't have to deal with Eric or Dan. :o


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Re: Latest Detroit Game- 39 start
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2011, 03:47:22 AM »
I think it would still have to be New England vs. Michigan.  I need my revenge. .  .


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Re: Latest Detroit Game- 39 start
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2011, 07:28:03 AM »
For your next game i guess i will need to build a palace or it won't fit in the room .... ::)


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Re: Latest Detroit Game- 39 start
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2011, 03:56:38 PM »
Well, the game was called this last Friday.

Eric had finally put Berlin out of supply and I had finally landed in Brest and Calais, while still maintaining my foot hold in Northern Spain.  I had also moved next to Tripoli from the East.

Dan had just taken Calcutta, but then Eric and I were able to take enough VPs to push the Axis below the 24 necessary to keep the game going.  Paris, Tripoli, Hungary, and a recapturing of Dutch Harbor was more than enough.

The optional entry system for the USSR allowed them to come in while the Germans were still tied up in Spain.  That more than sealed the Axis fate.  If we play a '39 game again, I will push for the use of a revised chart that I have come up with.   

Still, it was a damn good time!


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Re: Latest Detroit Game- 39 start
« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2011, 06:40:02 PM »
What turn did the game end in?