Author Topic: 1941 Scenario  (Read 22240 times)

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Re: 1941 Scenario
« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2010, 06:05:17 AM »
Agree for Summer 45 - but a straight don't do better than history number like that for every turn would mean a 'sudden death' VP condition.  For example, if the Axis don't have 16 VPs in Autumn 44, they lose, game over.  If they do, then they win, game over.  Unless you only check victory or defeat at the end of Summer 1945.


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Re: 1941 Scenario
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2010, 06:27:35 AM »
I just would say , if they are weaker than history in late game they are defeated , but they shoudn't be defeated if they are better than history , also they shouldn't be the winner if they are a little better, the war just goes on.

Summary = Harder to be defeated.
Like we know it was a fight to death or total collapse
(the full game has a better vp chart, because you always have japan)

Maybe we can think of roll system or ignore the Allies Win Chart and fight to the end?
« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 06:33:46 AM by Darkman »


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Re: 1941 Scenario
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2010, 06:33:48 PM »
>but Eric from our group actually felt that German set up wasn't as good a set up as he could theoretically produce if he started in '39.<

I would agree you "could", but the probability is you won't.  You could easily have more planes/tanks/mech...but so could the allies.

Based on the set up as is virtually all US production besides the factories is gone.

Soviets sitting on the border...German's have subs, and the brits have few planes, the russians few at-guns...if you built all those tanks have your soviet opponents been nice enough not to build AT Guns?


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Re: 1941 Scenario
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2010, 08:46:33 PM »
Well - the 41 set up is based on historical force levels and dispositions.  The US production should be about right with them basically concentrating on building factories - which I think is not a bad strategy for the US anyway.

The Russians force levels were again based on essentially what they had pre-barbarossa as well as the German disposition in troops, armor and subs.

I don't think the 41 is unbalanced - there have been a lot of games played over the years and it seems to go either way depending on play.


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Re: 1941 Scenario
« Reply #19 on: June 10, 2010, 02:02:14 AM »
We weren't saying that the '41 scenario was unbalanced. 

Eric was just saying that he could do a better job of production for the Germans.  Or a better force mix.  That is if he were allowed to play out from '39.

I know that the German build was done with an eye towards history.  As was that rest of the set up.  I have no real problem with that.