Greetings! Got a group of guys to play the game on a regular basis and we're having a lot of fun and really enjoying the game. Thanks again Mark and John et al.!
Just a couple of quick questions, and if they are addressed elsewhere, please point me in the right direction.
1. Is there a listing of all the victory points and thier locations on the map someplace in the rules?
2. Is it true that Germany only has a few vp's like @3 in "Greater Germany"?
They really have to do some "bookin'" to get the needed vp's, but then, I suppose that was the case, anyway.
Thanks. kriegspieler7
P.S. Do you see the irony of your NEWS: line? We will NOT be at GenCon this year do [sic] to conflicts! What are you talking about? It's a freaking "Conflict Simulation Game!" Of course, you'll have conflicts! That's why you put it together! Did you loose too many games to make it?

(I amaze myself sometimes, and then again, not even that often.)