Author Topic: Excess hits that include anti-armor hits  (Read 4496 times)

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Excess hits that include anti-armor hits
« on: November 12, 2006, 08:58:59 AM »
What happens to anti-armor hits that have no target on the combat chart (i.e. no armor units in a non "0" column) but there are enough general hits to take care of the other units in the non "0" columns and there are armor units in the "0" column?

Example- There is an attacker coming across a river that has X units in the non "0" columns.  Armor units that are part of the attack are in the "0" box.  The defender rolls X (or more) general hits and Y anti-armor hits.

How are the hits applied?  Do the anti-armor hits become general hits since they have no armor units to apply to in the non "0" columns?  And as such they are just general hits when they carry over onto units in the "0" column?

The defender in the situation above wanted the anti-armor hits to be specifically applied to armor units in the "0" since he had more than enough general hits from his defending non armor units to take care of the other attacking units in the non "0" columns.

I made the argument that in a battle where the defender has less than X general hits, the anti-armor hits become general hits and are applied to the units in the non "0" columns.  And following that logic, in the case where there are more than X general hits, the anti-armor hits still become general hits and are applied by the attacker as such against any unit he chooses.



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Re: Excess hits that include anti-armor hits
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2006, 01:05:21 PM »
You made th eright call.

Units with a "0" combat value can not be taken as casualties until all units with a combat value have already been selected as casualties.  Armor attacking over a river are 0's and can not be hit by defending armor units on the first combat round - their hits instead get applied to attacking units (like infantry).  I'm pretty sure that the scenario you laid out is discussed in an example in the rules - perhaps under the amphibious rules. . .

Once all of the attacking units with a combat value are elliminated - the owning player may choose whichever 0 column units he wishes as losses. Becasue his attacking armor is not attacking (its a "0") they are not attacking armor and do not have to be taken as casualties due to defensive armor hits.  I will re-read the rules to determine where this is not clear.