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Messages - kriegspieler7

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First Edition Game / Re: Game starts 1940?
« on: July 07, 2018, 09:23:33 AM »
Thanks for the reply.  I just thought it'd be interesting doing a "sitzkrieg" start up where it's just Germany vs. UK, France, and countries in exile. 
Have any ideas how I might go about setting one up?

First Edition Game / Game starts 1940?
« on: July 04, 2018, 06:35:40 AM »
Hi!  A quick question:  Did you guys ever think to put together a  June 1940 start date for your games?  If you did, how would it go?  If you didn't, how would it get set up?  -Just take out Poland and the Scandinavian countries and add builds and production points for a turn, eliminating any kind of builds/production for one turn to represent losses?  Just wondering your thoughts.  Do the 2nd Edition games have that scenario?  Just wondering.

First Edition Game / Re: Future Plans for 1st Edition Game
« on: March 21, 2018, 06:45:44 AM »
Thanks for the thoughts.  The faint dash line was an attempt to delineate the distance between England and France as closer, so flying from France to England would be just one movement point.  That idea wasn't productive, so hence the dashed line.  I didn't even think of it when I posted the pic.

First Edition Game / Re: Future Plans for 1st Edition Game
« on: March 12, 2018, 02:42:51 PM »
And, in addition, I've developed a morphed version of the game with different battle boards which incorporate combined arms .  Copies (95% completed) attached.  And these are just for land unit combats.  Also, there are some other alterations to the rules, such as Heavy Tank units take 2 hits; Battleships take 4 hits, production of certain units can be increased with the construction of Industrial complexes, that is, an extra factory allows more aircraft to be produced.  I guess I'm just telling the Giants I referred to that this is my intention.  Hope to get some gamers there to sign up.

First Edition Game / Re: Future Plans for 1st Edition Game
« on: March 12, 2018, 02:14:33 PM »
The distance between California and Hawaii is now the same as Canada and Ireland.  Which is pretty close to actual distance.

First Edition Game / Re: Future Plans for 1st Edition Game
« on: March 12, 2018, 02:11:11 PM »
And this one.  In the Pacific Theater, the sea zones are 2 movement points except around mainland coasts.  Then they are one.

First Edition Game / Re: Future Plans for 1st Edition Game
« on: March 12, 2018, 02:09:53 PM »
And this.

First Edition Game / Re: Future Plans for 1st Edition Game
« on: March 12, 2018, 02:09:03 PM »
And this.

First Edition Game / Re: Future Plans for 1st Edition Game
« on: March 12, 2018, 02:07:22 PM »
Sir Issac Newton said, "If I can see father than others, it's because I'm standing on the shoulders of giants."  Mark and John, you are the giants of this game.
Here are some alterations I've made to the map.  I mean no disrespect.  I know I will get critics, but please be gentle as with many others, I have a fragile ego.  And sorry if the quality of the pics is poor.  I gave it my best shot.  more will follow.

First Edition Game / Re: Future Plans for 1st Edition Game
« on: February 24, 2018, 06:13:08 AM »
Thanks for the info.  I'm planning on going to Origins and Gen Con-Indy.  I'm just a little slow in getting around to taking pics of my alterations to show anybody interested.  That will happen soon.

First Edition Game / Re: Future Plans for 1st Edition Game
« on: February 19, 2018, 11:01:05 AM »
No, I haven't.  There's a friend who has it and we will attempt it in the future.  I just have updated/altered/added some things to the 1st edition game rules and map.  Thanks for the encouragement.

First Edition Game / Future Plans for 1st Edition Game
« on: February 19, 2018, 07:00:10 AM »
Greetings to Mark and John!  I was just wondering if you have any plans for the 1st ed. of the game.  I've got some ideas and adaptations which I'd like to share and possibly use to run a game at Origins and Gen Con-Indy.  Pics are coming in a day or two.  Thanks.

Greetings John and Mark and company.  After somewhat of a long hiatus, I am again able to be involved with board wargames.  Also, FYI, I have taken the 1st Edition and added/subtracted some from the combat and build tables.  I don't plan on marketing this, but would like to share some of those changes with you.  For instance,
while INF hits on a 1, an INF + a RTY hits on <2 when attacking, and a <3 when defending against all but RMR units: and an INF and an A-T gun vs. RMR units hits on a <3 when defending.  I have some electrical difficulties at the time so my camera isn't working, but I do hope to have something for you to chew on.  The changes  suggest a more realistic approach to the conflict, I think, but what do I know?  Good to see the 2ND edition is doing well.  Keep up the good work.  I hope to make it to Origins, in Columbus, OH.  Maybe we'll be able to meet and you can "stare me down" over some adult beverage (like coffee or tea, you know what I mean.)  All the best.

Hi John et al.

I've been out of circulation for awhile.  You guys are doing a great job.  I have a brief question.

Your map (basics game, have to use that now, since you've branched out) is great, and the amount of detail you got on it is terrific.  I just want to tweak it a little.  I'd like to add Dakar and the British cities on the map off the coast of Africa and the area in in Romania that Hungary got just before/after ( I can't remember which) world war 2 started.

What are the specific colors you used for those areas in north/western Africa and eastern Europe?  Thanks in advance!

Europe Map / Re: ASfE 6'x4' Mapboard
« on: September 16, 2009, 02:08:26 PM »
I just got to see this thing today. 
Beautiful map. 
The only thing I'd suggest is adding Dakar and Jamestown (I think that's it's name in Guinea) on the West Coast of Africa.

Dakar was a problem for the British because the French had a naval and airbases there and if Vichy caved in the Germans might use it to harrass their convoy center at Jamestown.

I'm thinking of adding them to my d6 map.

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