spring 1942-summer 1943
camera isn't working so my storytelling skills will have to do.
the east:
Germany has driven deep into russia and established a line in vyborg, pskov, Velikiye Luki, smolensk, orel, kursk, stalino, mariupol, and the crimea. things have been changing pretty rapidly on the eastern front. after hoepner bounced off smolensk, manstein came in and saved the day breaking through on the next turn. by winter 42 the germans had pushed into lagoda, kalinin, and rhzev. the successes in the north were tempered by failure in the south. In summer 42 germany crossed the dnieper at perekop and transferred their best offensive units there on the noncombat phase. unfortunately due to poor initiative draws, they have been bottled up there until the summer of 43 when they took mariupol. again success was due to manstein who brought an army from the center, crushed kharkov and stalino in the spring and inflicted some heavy casualties on rostov in the summer before retreating in strength to stalino. thanks to some efficient use of airbase attacks with fock-wulfs, germany still retains fighter superiority (barely) allowing the stukas to inflict much pain. germany has also been bombing russia to the tune of 10-15 ipcs for the last 4 turns or so. the russian line is thin but the balance of forces is shifting rapidly as the western allies apply pressure and kick lend lease up a notch. for the last two turns the only reinforcements the ostheer have received have been in the form of finns, rumanians, and hungarians.
the med:
britain, america, and the commonwealth landed a small force in italy in august 42, choosing the soft defenses of taranto over the hardened defenses of sicily and naples. they reinforced heavily in winter and then defeated both sicily and naples in spring to force the italian surrender. unfortunately for the allies, paulus and list head a formidable defense in the north, centered on rome, that may prove too much for montgomery. the allies are heavy in artillery and a little light in infantry.
the west:
all the subs have been eliminated thanks to a strong hunter-killer effort by britain. america and britain have been bombing germany for a few turns but because of the heavy aa presence in germany proper have been content to nibble around the edges. they suffered a major setback when a major fighter+bomber force attacked the kriegsmarine in port. aa fire took down two heavies + one regular bomber and another three fighters out of eight aircraft total!!! This setback however did not prevent the western allies from landing in brittany in spring. the low countries were well fortified but germany simply didn't have the manpower to do an adequate job along the whole coast. they then got a good initiative roll in the summer and pushed rundstedt out of paris, killing two jagdpanthers, and at-gun and several infantry. the allies also aggressively landed in denmark but the remnants of the german fleet have cut them out of supply and they look to be in for a rough autumn.
the axis have 23 vp right now and don't stand to lose more than one or two a turn for the next few turns and they may take rostov so things appear somewhat stable for the next few turns. the axis may have to go down to the end to win. as the german player i am feeling the manpower crunch but so far i love everything about this game, best 300 bucks i ever spent