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Topics - Yoper

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Rules questions from first edition / Fortifications
« on: November 12, 2006, 06:41:00 AM »
Q: Can a fortification turn into an infantry unit during the the active players movement phase and then immediately participate in combat?

I see in the rules where it talks about the fortification reverting into an infantry unit so as to retreat from a battle or move.  Does that mean the ability to move into combat? 

I thought (and so did the player who wanted to use the infantry in offensive action) that it was pretty clear that one would be able to use the converted infantry unit immediately in combat since it changed over in the movement phase and the combat phase comes after that.   

But others (to include the one on defense) seemed to think that the appropriate sentence wasn't clear enough on this point.


Rules questions from first edition / Retreats- Retreating "forward"
« on: November 12, 2006, 06:15:44 AM »
Q: Can units in a "out of supply" territory attack in conjunction with units from outside of the pocket and then after one round of combat retreat to the "in supply" territory?

The old A&A retreating forward trick. 

This isn't just about out of supply units, it could just as easily apply to any situation where there are attacking units on opposite sides of the defender.

Last night the German player had an instance where the UK player was amphibiously assaulting Belgium.  Instead of responding to the actual land battle in Belgium with his fighter, he would have like to have gone after the transports that was a part of the invasion fleet.  (He had one fighter and one infantry in Belgium versus six incoming UK infantry with naval support shots.)

The thinking being that he would have rather killed the infantry while they were still on the boats instead of dealing with them after they have unloaded into the land territory.

He was unable to go after the fleet because there was no naval battle in the sea zone.  He was not defensively responding to a battle in that sea zone.

While I understand the reasoning of the prior point from the present rules standpoint, I also agree with his assessment of the situation and agree with his wanting to attempt to disrupt the invasion through the use of his air against the naval units.

You might want to review this situation and think about allowing air units to do this kind of defensive response.


Can the UK move (strategically and/or tactically) through the Med?

How is the situation of the French navy in the Gulf of Lyon different/dealt with in relation to this topic?

If the UK cannot move through the Med, can the French move through? 

Is the French fleet only allowed to move into/out of the Gulf of Lyon?  Or can it move to other sea zones within the Med? 

Is the UK allowed to go to the Gulf of Lyon as long as France is still around and then not allowed to go there once France falls?

Things seem to lean towards no movement by the UK through the Med similar to what is going on in other places on the map (Pacific blue line US/Japan, USSR staying behind blue line in Leningrad sea zone, US behind line on the Atlantic, etc.), but the movement of the French fleet across the blue line in the Med seems to be an exception that needs to be clarified.


Can you clarify what happen in this situation:

A fighter is going to make a strategic warfare attack on a Production Center.  The defender responds with a fighter to the attack.

There is an air to air combat round before the strategic attack can be attempted.

Is the attacking fighter locked into being a "bomber" because that is what he stated originally? 

Is he forced to stay with that decision even after he finds out that the defender is going to respond to the attack? 

Or is the attacker allowed to place the fighter into the air to air row on the air combat chart once the defender allocates his air unit?
The last situation leads to all kinds of round and round arguments.  (Defender puts his fighter into interceptor mode thinking that the fighter is going to the ground and then the attacker puts his into air to air and gets to hit the defender instead.  Or the defender puts his fighter into the air to air and the attacker puts his in the bomber row and goes right on by.)

Maybe I am missing something in the rules that spells it out better.

When exactly is the roll for the collapse of France, Italy, and Vichy France made in the turn?

The only thing that I have found in the rules is that it is at the end of the turn.

Does "At the end of the turn" mean after all other phases have been concluded?

Or is it done during the check victory/defeat conditons step of the Concluding Strategic Phase? (Or any part of the Concluding Strategic Phase.)

What this really speaks to is the collection of PPs from territories in France/Italy by UK/Germany after France/Italy falls.  If the UK or Germany has units in territories that become vacant by the fall of their ally, they need to know if they will be able to collect those PPs this turn or will they have to wait until next turn.


Can a sub defend a convoy against a strategic attack by another sub?


Rules questions from first edition / IC in Fallen France/Italy
« on: October 21, 2006, 04:41:23 AM »
What would happen to an IC in either of these countries if they surrender? 

Is it treated like any other IC that is captured?

Would the IC not be damaged if it is occupied by an ally power (i.e.- an Italian IC is occupied by German troops)?


We started a new game with this country distribution:

Germany- Dan
Japan- Steve
Italy- Craig

US/UK- Eric
France/USSR/China- Martin

We got through two full turns.  Hopefully we can actually stretch a game out to a more complete play out.


Rules questions from first edition / Production in Canada
« on: October 14, 2006, 04:23:35 AM »
Montreal and Vancouver are Production Centers and I would assume that they have unlimited production when it comes to units other than infantry?

Even though there are these Production Centers in Canada, is Canada limited to only producing one infantry unit (In Montreal)?


Rules questions from first edition / Canal Movement- The (+1) Movement
« on: October 14, 2006, 04:19:46 AM »
Please explain the +1 movement notation the is on the map with these two canals.

If a ship is in the Eastern Med and moves to the Red Sea is it one movement point or two?  (Same scenario for a ship from Baltic Sea to North Sea.)

Is the canal actually considered a sea zone for movement purposes?  That would support the side that it takes two movement points to move from a sea zone one side to the a sea zone on the other.


Here is what happened last night.

The US sent Lend Lease PPs to China via the Burma Road. On the Axis turn the Japanese attack Burma and occupy the territory.

What happens to the Lend Lease PPs?  Do they get through to China come the beginning of the next turn?  Or is it interdicted by Japan occupying the territory?  If it is interdicted, is the Lend Lease destroyed or is it returned to the US?

Similar thing could happen to Lend Lease to the USSR.  Lend Lease PPs could be in the Persian Lend Lease territory and have it occupied by the Axis. 

The Murmansk Convoy and Far East Convoy could be interrupted by have the associated Soviet port being seized by the Axis.  What happens to that Lend Lease?  Does it just stay in the convoy spot until the port is reopened or does it return to the lender? 

Rules questions from first edition / Strategic Warfare Clarifications
« on: October 10, 2006, 03:18:24 AM »
Air Units vs. Subs-
My reading of the rules is that all air combat is done before other combat so that if an air unit, along with other surface naval units, attacks a sub in a sea zone and the air unit hits, the sub is gone before it gets to fire.

With this as a basis, if air units are used in defense of a convoy zone against attacking subs, would not the air units fire first and any subs hit would not get to roll to damage the convoy?

Naval Warfare and Strategic Warfare in the same sea zone-
Please clarify what happens when an attacker chooses to attack a convoy sea zone both ways.  Specifically when the defender chooses to only defend against the strategic attack.

While the rules talk about the two attacks being simultaneous, your one example makes it seem like the attacking surface naval units get to do their damage first on the defending naval units and then the remaining defenders get to roll against the strategic attacker.

To me it would seem that if the atacker chooses to have the two attacks but the defender chooses to only defend one of the attacks, then the one attack (that the defender choose not to defend) would not be made.  Or would have to be done after the other attack (the one that the defender choose to respond to) is dealt with.


Rules questions from first edition / Collapse of Vichy France
« on: October 10, 2006, 02:34:58 AM »
I think that there needs to be a clarification of the information for the collapse of Vichy France.

When rolling for the collapse of Vichy France you need to count up the territories that the WA occupy.  Are each of the territories in NA counted individually for this situation? 

The NA territories are considered to be one entity when they are attacked by the WA but it seems that it is different when dealing with this situation.


Rules questions from first edition / Fall of France Clarification
« on: October 10, 2006, 02:24:15 AM »
When France falls what happens to the territories that France controlled? 

Do they automatically become controlled by the UK or are they just uncontrolled until one side or the other occupies them?

This really became an issue in our last game because the UK player wanted to know if he could strategically rail through said territories.

Another clarification needed is concerning the set up of Vichy France.  As long as there are UK units in the Southern France territory does that stop Vichy France from being set up? 

It is write in the rules that the Vichy units are not placed until the Allied units vacate the territory.  If the Axis occupy the territory, how are the Axis units dealt with (retreated) so that Vichy can be established?

Would occupation of said territory by the UK prevent any French ship that is rolled to become Vichy from actually becoming Vichy since they are to be set up in the adjacent sea zone (i.e. they have no port to base from)?


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