Forum Index > After action reports from first edition

Mini A-KON Game Plano TX 10/17/09


The Axis was declared the winner as time was called and we were only starting turn 8 (lot of rule discussion and learning).
The Axis had 33 victory points and Spain and Turkey came in on the Axis side(middle of turn 7).
Wales fell on turn 3 along with France, - London fell on turn 6. London was retaken on turn 7; however it would have fallen again on turn 8 or the other 3 British Homeland territories. Russia entered on turn 7, I feel this is way to early for Russia to declare war, however great card draw and Italy running wild can do it. The US had horrible card draw and could not declare war on turn 7 (all 4 2's and a 3, this is the worst US card draw ever) this would have allowed Japan to do a sneek attack on turn 8. I was Italy with 41 pps about to be 46 and add 2 more victory points. Forgot to take pictures

John D.:
Wow - yup - sounds like a learning game. UK can make or break the game early on... (at least that is what your game sounds like). Well I hope everyone had fun learning


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