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Messages - Fuji

Pages: [1]
Thank you Mark!

Rules questions from first edition / Optional airbase attacks clarification
« on: November 04, 2015, 07:01:24 PM »
So it is not very clear in the rules.  If you have an airbase attack and as the defender you retreat after the first round of attacks. Can you land your fighter/bomber back in the same country/airbase that was attacked?


Rules questions from first edition / Air def suez canal
« on: November 20, 2013, 03:49:21 PM »
Hey guys,   if an attack in the Eastern Mediterranean sz. vs. the allied navy happened, would fighters stationed on aircraft carriers in the Red sea be able to fly air defense for the fleet in the eastern Mediterranean Sea zone?  Since the Suez canal  is in between the sea zones does that mean they are adjacent to each other?

Thanks, Fuji

Nice!   Is that an "Official " ruling?

Thank again,

Rules questions from first edition / clarification on mech phase attacks
« on: August 27, 2012, 08:57:24 AM »
Hi guys! DocBarber and I are in a dissagreement! ;-P   Hehe.  Well here is the situation I just got Turkey winter of 42'.  But I had a significant force on russian boarder in the mountians.  I blitzed in to a open plain with panzers and med tanks.  Now the rule says that if you are attacking during mech phase you can't attack into or out of mountains/forests.  I am attacking Baku which is on a plain.  Doc says that the tanks started in the mountains so they may not Attack on mech phase.  I think that I am on a plain and that I am attacking into a plain so I am free to do so.  What is the spirit of the rules?  Two VP's are on the line   and it is Spring 43'  so we are on hold till one of us can be dissapionted !!  LOL

Thanks for the Weeks /Months of  FUN!


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