Author Topic: Do Landing Craft count against carrying capacity of Transports?  (Read 4504 times)

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Do Landing Craft count against carrying capacity of Transports?
« on: February 21, 2013, 07:43:12 AM »

Hey Guys, quick question:

Do Landing Craft count against the carrying capacity of Transports?

This a really important question:

If Yes, then 1 transport can land 1 Amphib Infantry (capacity of 2 Any: 1 Inf + 1 LC).

If No, then 1 transport can land 3 Amphib Infantry (Capacity of 3 Inf, with the LC not counting).

In a potential Sea Lion scenario, the Germans start with 1 Transport, and can build 4 more by Summer 1940.

So, the question is, are we talking 5 German Infantry on the beaches of Dover, or 15? (Okay, 15 is silly.  Only 6 get to be Frontline anyway, and the others can land at the channel ports after they are captured.)

Just Wondering


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Re: Do Landing Craft count against carrying capacity of Transports?
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2013, 09:35:46 AM »


You can ignore this question.  More careful reading has found the relevant passage on page 28.

Landing Craft
When conducting amphibious invasions (attacks against enemy owned territories), front line units must be landed via landing craft.  Landing craft count as a non-infantry unit for transport capacity limits.  Therefore, transports used for amphibious assaults can carry one landing craft plus one infantry or DD Tank. Landing Craft are expended and removed from play after utilization in an amphibious assault.

If I remember correctly, one of the reasons Hitler decided against the Invasion of England (I mean, besides the whole Battle of Britain thing) was lack of sufficient transport capacity.



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Re: Do Landing Craft count against carrying capacity of Transports?
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2013, 08:14:12 PM »
Glad we managed to address this question in the rules - yes for an amphib it is one infantry + one landing craft for your front line guys, of course your reserves can land (into reserve) without a landing craft (3 infantry or two of anything).

I get your point on the Sealion comment, but in the real war, the Germans did not plan on invading England until like July 1940.  In your scenario, the Germans decide to go all out planning and building for Sealion in September 1939 - which probably would give them a lot more capability.   But, if the Germans go all out to build like 4 more transports and 5 landing craft from the start, they will be investing more than 50PP instead of building infantry, armor, planes, subs and other priorities.  It may make the taking of France more difficult.  Also - if the British see all these naval biulds coming, they are probably not going to sit idle and will probably shift more of their strength and builds to deal with it.  Only two British spaces are in range of fighters based in France (assuming the Germans take out France) making England not a push over - even with an all out German naval strategy.

That being said, I have lost England once to an aggressive (and surprise) Sea Lion in the Spring fo 1940 (Germany invaded England even before the Fall of France and I was not paying attention to the German builds and my defenses). . .


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Re: Do Landing Craft count against carrying capacity of Transports?
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2013, 04:07:13 AM »
Thanks Mark,

I understand that a real-world Sea Lion would have been difficult, if not impossible, for a host of reasons.

And, you are correct, every Deutchmark spent on landing craft and transports is a DM not spent on Tanks and Planes and Infantry.  Especially considering how much you really need the fighters and bombers to go along with the invasion fleet.  It is one of the real strengths of this game, I feel, that dynamic tension between all the things you WANT and what you can AFFORD.

But still, I like to see if it is a credible possibility (and not too damn easy, as in some games I could mention).

I am happily gathering my minis and am going to have the map printed soon, and see if I can get some play time in.

Thanks again.


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Re: Do Landing Craft count against carrying capacity of Transports?
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2013, 04:04:33 PM »
Cool - you will have to let us know if you plan to go to any conventions - maybe we can meet up with you and get a game in!

I think a successful SeaLion is possible - especially if the British are not paying attention.  But, they can do a lot to make it difficult and painful for the Germans - and the commitment to take England out means the Russian Front will be an even greater challenge. . .could be an interesting scenario. . .
