Author Topic: THENORTHMANS SPECIAL EDITION ;O)  (Read 6882 times)

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« on: September 04, 2006, 09:45:52 AM »
Well it well proably be March before I get the project done with school and working part time.  (Hence the working part time so the money isn't coming in like it needs to do for my ambitions.   ::)  )

Here is the plan:
  • For the aircraft I really like the 1/600th scale aircraft but thinking aircraft half the size would even be nicer.  So using 1/1200 scale aircraft from Cap Aero.  These aircraft are geared toward more naval warfare but it does have the general aircraft all the major nations used during WWII except the Soviet Union's aircraft. (So have to use british aircraft for them).  The cost for these are slightly cheaper than the 1/600 aircraft. Going to also paint them historically as possible for the nationality. If you want to see some sample photos next to a ruler go to the following link.
  • For the naval fleets of the world I will be using 1/6000 scale ships from Noble's Fine Scale Minature Figurehead line.  These are EXTREAMLY detailed for the scale.  They actually are approaching GHQ's and C-in-C's 1/2400 line of ships in detail.  Personally I think they are better than the Skytrex line of 1/2400 ships. With this scale you can still easily see what type of ship they are and since they also provide a seascaped "base" for the ship with a tab on the end of the base where a person could paint a flag/name of the ships onto.  This way the ships can be painted historically for asthetic apeal while its still easy for a person to see what nationality they are.  Here is a link to see the different nationalities with the scaled ruler for reference next to the ships. 
    Note the destoryers are hard to see since they are unpainted against the "seascape" based they are on.  (NOTE: THE SHIPS DESTROYER AND SMALLER COME ATTACHED TO THE SEASCAPE BASES WHILE LARGER SHIPS CAN HAVE THEM OR NOT. 
  • For the infantry I am going to use Old Glory 15's figures.  They have a buyer program that you pay $50.00 annual membership and then use a sliding scale for how much you purchase over the year on how much of a discount you get for their products. 

     I love these figures and they are once again detailed for asthetic apeal.  I am going to paint these up to also be in there coresponding national standard uniform but then have the bases they are glued to be in there national color for the game (Tan, Green, etc...).
  • The ground forces except the infantry I will be using C-in-C minatures.  1/285th scale mini's that get close to GHQ detail but are a little cheaper. 

     They have everything that GHQ has in their line that is needed for the game besides the Japanese Artillery.  With this line you also get a discount when you buy so much each order.  For example you get 25% off when you purchase more than $320.00 on a single order, etc...  (Check out the ORDER INFORMATION link on the above posted link for more details on that.)  These are great minature the only problem I forsee is there barrels do bend a little easier than say GHQ or Skytrex.  Not to fond of the detail of Skytrex minatures.  While the price of GHQ for me is a little to high for this project (I use GHQ for Micor Armor gaming though).  This leaves C-in-C for me and if the barrels get bent or broke off I will just take the extra time to drill them out and put a BRASS rode in for the barrel. These will also be painted histoically in the diffeent nations camoflage.  Still trying tro decide if going to base them or not.  I am throwing around the idea of painting the "chip counter" the particualr nation's game color or not.
  • For the BUNKERS for the game I will be using GHQ bunkers.  

     These will also have a base made for them in the nations game color.

I do alot of "minature" gaming so the asthetic's of me doing this while keeping the game how it is going to be nice.  I am throwing around the idea of including a "RECON" house rule some how...just so I have a reason to get the German Condor and the PBY Catalina, etc.  ;D

Doing it this way actually is a little more expensive than if you buy the delux game from Oxford gaming.  Especially if you go with the GHQ corner bunkers. ($222.20 for 55 bunkers.)  Around Christmas they usually have a 15% off sale so if you do go for the bunkers I would wait tell then to get them.

I just know this well look nice and its a game that will be played often.  Plus since I do play micro armour I will use these peices for different games.  Which instead of glueing I will proably use magnets for attaching them to the "bases" of each nationality.  Plus proably drill out the little holes on the carrier decks and the bottom of the planes so they "attach" to the carriers without them always falling off..etc...

Well not that anyone cares but this is my plan and hope to have it at Gencon to show it off. 

Sean King
« Last Edit: September 04, 2006, 10:00:32 AM by thenorthman »

John D.

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« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2006, 11:55:04 AM »
Wow - That is IMPRESSIVE. Can't wait to see how it comes along.
    This will be something to be seen in person. I love the visual aspect of miniatures gaming- I just don't have the time to paint each one individually (yet).

See you at GENCON or sooner..


Uncle Joe

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« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2006, 01:52:25 AM »
When do we get to see some pictures, Northman?


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« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2006, 02:10:04 AM »
Damn metric system! ;)



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« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2006, 10:01:57 AM »
I will get pictures of it as it comes along.  Actually might be able to get some of the items sooner than I thought I would....

Proably going to go with the aircraft first.  Then purcahse the ships, then the ground forces.
