Author Topic: German Bomber Strategy: Anti-Britain  (Read 5162 times)

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German Bomber Strategy: Anti-Britain
« on: June 21, 2011, 01:51:31 PM »
In Anchorage we were playing with the following optional rules.

Exploding ships. Paras in the mech phase, airbases, war reluctance

I believed that the game way favored the Allie, but have since thought that it favors the Allies but not so much.

I am in Hawaii now, and just finished a solo game.

I reread the strategy advice, and concurred that you need to put pressure on Britain.  Something I have frequently failed to do.

We found that the u-boats tend to go up like kindling.

I decided to try building bombers to help the u-boats, but the first time I tried it, the bombers were shot down by AA very quickly and it was a mess.

Bombers:  If he flies the British naval units against them instead of u-boats, he still only fires a 2, but you get 1 back at him.  Also, you can possibly sink some DD.

I decided to try it again.

I built (GE) 4 ftr, 2 bomber, 1 para, 1 sub and 2 inf on t1, and continued along those lines, maxing ftr’s and 2 subs per turn.  I built 4 bombers and then stopped, so 6 counting 2 at start.ince.

I got 19 inf into Belgium T2, used a mech attack to conquer the last polish prov

Italy builds 1 bomber 1 para t2.  Japan max’s ftr production 1 inf 1 art 2ftr t1, 2 ftr per turn and infantry after that, a para when you have time, and a cv to be ready for Pearl harbor.  I bypassed the PI and went for Australia and India.

Last timeI was unlucky with the Axis, but this time the Axis got a lotta breaks.

IIRC I lost a ftr and a mech in Poland.

I decided to hold back with France and risk the surrender roll, and France surrendered T3.

Sweden went pro-axis.

Things went really well in China, and China was neutralized before pearl harbor.

OTOH.  Despite hitting tons of triggers All I ver got was 2 pts from Turkey.

Ge took Egyt, took Persia/Iraq, allof which was eventually recaptured by the Soviets.

Japan took India&Australia.

Game would have been over in 42, but Japan actually blew a very good attack on Calcutta.  Finally barely scraped it in late 43.

Game ended in Summer 44.  The allies were hard pressed to stay in the game and finally could not make it.  I had piles of Japanese troops on the islands, and that german BB broke through and laned a ton of troops in Norway.  An Italian DD survived long enough to bottle up the central med and keep the allies out of Greece.

I would say the first time I lost with this strategy I had considerably bad luck.

The second time I won a solo game, and had very good luck with the axis.

Any comments on the Bomber Strategy?

What do we do to hurt England?