Author Topic: Strategy in the 1941 Scenario  (Read 7663 times)

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Strategy in the 1941 Scenario
« on: June 05, 2010, 11:12:35 PM »
Creating this new topic.  I haven't played it yet.  Will start tomorrow.

Thinking about Buildin an Italian BB, CA and DD and some German subs.

japan, 5 inf&art art on t1, and guess a ftr, although maybe an AA.

US, thinking ftr sub inf 1 ll

Wondering whether or not building 2 additional US Cv, starting them in winter 41, is a good idea.  Even when I have had just 4 US CV, I have frequently had a problem having enough fighters.

We have rarely seen the German sub position so good this late in the game.



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Re: Strategy in the 1941 Scenario
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2010, 08:22:02 AM »
Usually I think I see the US getting carriers started early 1-2 for sure


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Re: Strategy in the 1941 Scenario
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2010, 01:10:23 PM »
I posted my rather long write up of my solo 41 game in the rules questions on the 1941 scenario.

In brief, the allies are probably a little weaker than they usually are in a game that starts in 1939, and so you need to tone it down with the allies.

Russia has large numbers of units deloyed on the border and is apt to take a worse beating on T1 of barbarossa than you normally expect.

The relative position of the Axis interms of air/naval  is much better than typical.


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Re: Strategy in the 1941 Scenario
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2010, 12:47:28 PM »
Just finished another one.

I targeted Russia this time.

Ge 10 inf, 5 arm,  mech, 4 ftr...also 1 sub coming out each turn...

Italy sub, ftr, bomber

Japan 5 inf 2 planes...when production got higher a bomber, the occasional AA gun, and then I switched out of bombers and built more surface ships...

At first w/allies I did not supply LL to Britain, I did to Russia.

I built a ftr per turn for Russia until things were getting desperate.

Allies never really defeated the subs.

Allies didn’t really gain air superiority to the end.

I used the euro-axis air force to protect the italian fleet.

There were a couple of times where the axis could have gone for a win by attacking moscow, stalingrad or defending calcutta, which japan had taken.  But i played for a defensive victory.  All of these battles would have been iffy, and if I had lost them the axis would have few ground units left.

Japan was never able to defend the outer pacific islands and these were retaken easily.

Japan bypassed the Phillipines.

2 separate japanese invasions of the Aleutians were defeated.  The third finally took attu, but the Allies were coming back and so dutch harbor never fell.  Midway was taken, but also easily retaken.  The japanese took calcutta, but the allies cleared out the med with the major air/sea battle never taking place, and so the allied navies/air force were very large...and the euro axis air force was also intact.

I never made the big attacks in Russia.  Japan pulled back and defended Burma, and the inner islands.  The chinese who had ben piling up finally attacked.

Germany obtained favarouble attrition isolating moscow each turn or threatenin to and then pulverizing the soviets who counterattacked, gradually lenningrad was pinched out and was capturede.  Gemany nearly made it to Baku after turning away from stalingrad, but this thrust was stopped.

Italy surrendered on a 1 after only a coupla turns.  The big loss was the 4 italian bombers.  Also I messed up and left a space completely garrisoned by the IT and it happened to contain a lot of air units.  The russians nutralised the luftwaffe for a turn.

The allies started coming back.  They never invaded italy.  Most of those units in the med went to india, and then piled up units/transports for d-day.  Allies in the Pac were making reasonable progress, although japan’s fleet while outnumbered was still formidable.  The stress of providing planes to both europe and asia was getting to the allies.  D-day was not launched until Summer of 44, the allies took kharkov and oslo to stay in the game.

Axis went for a win in fall 44, everything on the western front into paris, the allies necer attacked.  Allies attacked one pac island, which was already isolated.  Germans put 15 strategic moves into Kiev, and so there was no attack.  Lenningrad was isolated overland, but still in supply by sea.  3 ge inf and the whole luftwaffe...21 ftrs and 1 bomber into lenningrad.  Much of the german armoured forces were in lenningrad.

The german air force in lenningrad turned the tide of that battle.  Massive russian artillery and inf were not enough.  Ge still had like 7 arm left when the battle ended (like 17 when it started plus pg inf and aa)...the massive firepower of the airforce won it, without that the soviets would have won.

So the allies lost the game.

In the absence of some particular luck, If the axis max produces fighters the allies have a very large problem.  Britain is heavily stressed from the subs, and Russia can not really max produce ftrs without it cutting into ground unit production.

So I would say my two suggestions to counter my axis strategy are LL to england from the start.  I would build a US ftr pre-war and start a BB for 1 turn, leave the cv n the 2 box.  Then when war comes max ll to russia, britain and china...I probably waited a turn too long to attack out w/china.  China had 4 pp all that time and was bombng japan for 1 pp.  I probably should have attacked earlier.

Russia...could try max building ftrs and see if that helps.


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Re: Strategy in the 1941 Scenario
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2010, 03:26:48 PM »
Well just finished another one.

I used the same axis strategy, max ftr's for everyone, sub, bmber, ftr for italy, 5mech, 5arm, 10 onf, 4ftr 2 sub for ge.  Max inf and ftr for japan and this time I built an extra carrier and for surface ships BB and Ca more than the dd I have built in the past.  Allie/Japan fleets faced off with as many as 5 bb ea.

Allies I ll'd to Britain, china and russia.  China was never completely conquered, but reduced to one space.  Allies won the ftr war and sub war and this made all the difference.  Some very close turns in 43 and also in 44/45..but the allies pulled it out.

I think I switched to defensive mode with the axis a turn too soon.  game ended with a sub still on the track that had been there a long time.

Sacrificed axis fleets to delay D-day...sacrificed luftwaffe to repel the first invasion.

Russians defended areas around lenningrad more heavily I never pinched out lenningrad.  Perhaps the switch to repelling d-day was wrong.  Think may be I should have pushed in russia harder.

Think I'll try axis largely ignoring africa and perhaps subs and really going all out for russia.  Produce IT ground units...forget the bombers/subs.

John D.

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Re: Strategy in the 1941 Scenario
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2010, 01:04:02 PM »
Interesting. I find that if something is pursued strongly, other things may lag. It's fun trying to acheive a balance and reacting to what the other side does...