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Messages - Yoper

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Rules questions from first edition / Re: Turkey
« on: October 15, 2013, 05:04:07 AM »
You and your set time frames! :P ;D

Rules questions from first edition / Re: Turkey
« on: October 12, 2013, 01:15:30 PM »

We just had this happen in the game we are playing right now and we interpreted this to be outside of the normal set of trigger rolls. 

It's not listed on the sheet of trigger rolls that has the Spring '43 time limit.  It's buried in the Soviet section concerning garrisons and has no time limit associated with it.

After Action Reports / Playtesting / Re: August-Sept 2013 Europe Game
« on: October 01, 2013, 08:05:45 AM »
Now I need to go and plot my revenge. . .

Famous last words.  I think that I have heard you speak them before....... 8)

General Discussion / Re: CONVENTIONS
« on: September 17, 2013, 03:23:56 AM »
Went north of the border this last weekend to the Field Marshall Gaming Convention put on by my buddy Jeremy of Field Marshall Games and his friends at I Will Never Grow Up .com.

Passed out a bunch of the old postcards that I still had for Struggle so we may end up with some new converts to one or both of the versions.  Fingers crossed. ;D

After Action Reports / Playtesting / Re: August-Sept 2013 Europe Game
« on: September 10, 2013, 03:41:26 AM »
Good stuff boys! 8)

After Action Reports / Playtesting / Re: August-Sept 2013 Europe Game
« on: September 08, 2013, 12:07:30 PM »
Mark- You're the German player, aren't you? ;)

You're weak in the South and will never get across the river in the North.  So you! ;D

After action reports from first edition / Re: The Full Monty!
« on: August 21, 2013, 02:10:56 AM »
I said to Dan that he pulled a "Craig" in not seeing things properly.  Eric never makes this kind of mistake!

You saw how much of a machine he is.  He sees all the possibilities and makes all the right moves.  The fact that he miscounted the air ranges as part of his planning threw me off as much as (if not more than) him since that isn't his normal way.

After action reports from first edition / Re: The Full Monty!
« on: August 20, 2013, 09:08:33 AM »
Eric misplayed his Spring romp against France and was acting like he would rather just throw in the towel, but we talked him out of it and he finished off France in the Summer turn.

As well as I bought and tried to get him to waste men in France, it just never works out.  You either leave the Paris too weak and they go straight in or they just ring around you and take everything else.

His screw up was based on actually having the Kriegsmarine trying to amphib down into Gascony, but he miscalculated the air ranges so no air cover and didn't send the paratrooper down either.  He then wanted to throw away the para in the Mech Phase to try to take it again after the amphib failed.  We talked him off the ledge and he continued with a normal turn in Summer '40.

I was only able to kill the cruiser and a sub off the French coast with damage on the battleship.  He lucked out on that gaffe.

After action reports from first edition / The Full Monty!
« on: August 13, 2013, 02:18:50 PM »
Well, after I returned from WBC we started a full map '39 game this last Friday.

It is yours truly as all of the Allies versus Eric as the European Axis and Dan as the Japanese.

Should be an interesting ride.  The Poles caused a lot of damage in early fighting so maybe that can help put a dent in the German fortunes. 

We are using the optional entry systems for the US and USSR, but the USSR one has some changes that Eric came up with.  Specifically, an attempt at an escalating garrison requirement for both the Germans and the Soviets.  We shall see how this affects gameplay.

General Discussion / Re: CONVENTIONS
« on: July 22, 2013, 06:25:32 AM »
How did the Historicon experience go?

General Discussion / Re: New addict!
« on: July 07, 2013, 11:33:22 AM »
Sure it's only two days, but right now it's all I got!  And I only have that because I am overlaying that with a weekend for the girls to see some relatives in Ontario.

After taking the long (10 days instead of the normal 7) WBC trip, I will have pretty much use up my gaming "goodwill" for the year.

I only put out the Toronto event as an option since it is part way towards Boston.  I would love to eventually get our two groups back together again for some gaming at a mid point like Syracuse, NY. 

General Discussion / Re: New addict!
« on: July 03, 2013, 01:39:22 PM »
How about Toronto in the Fall?

I am going to an A&A gathering there.  It's run by the guy who sells my dice towers and was trying to produce the country specific plastic parts that I suggested could be used for your games.  He had trouble with the factory/company in China and is still trying to bounce back from that.

Here is the link for the event:

Think about it.

General Discussion / Re: New addict!
« on: June 28, 2013, 04:10:43 AM »
You are probably going to the better event for getting a look from gamers.  They may be more into it from a miniatures and wargaming point of view. 

While WBC is more of a true gaming convention, that would probably work against you since the majority of participants would be eurogamers.  You would also probably get a bit of the "snob" factor from the wargamers since the game uses miniatures, which they would equate (with their old biases) with A&A and the plastic pieces.  Those old guard types still have 2nd edition on the brain and think that it would be below their level of complexity.

I am really just being a whiny bastard in that I would rather have you gaming with me instead of the Historiconers.

General Discussion / Re: New addict!
« on: June 23, 2013, 03:07:52 PM »
2013 WBC

July 29–Aug. 4, 2013
(with associated pre-cons on July 27–28)
Lancaster Host
Lancaster, Pennsylvania

I am actually showing up early for the Precons this year to play in the A&A tourney that I used to run.

Well, it took longer than it should have to get onto the Continent but the Western Allies finally did it in Sicily and Brest. 

An ill-planned attack into Brest in late '44 was turned back at sea when the air cover was inadequate to even allow the ships to get to the landing beaches.   A better managed invasion was done in the summer of '45 and Paris was retaken in the Fall.  Meanwhile Sicily was taken in Summer '45 after the Spring '45 liberation of Crete.  Sardinia was taken in the winter of '44/'45 but lost back to the Italians in the Summer of '45.

The Soviets are poised to move into Poland as the Germans fall back in the East.  Smaller flanking forces have taken Belgrade and Bulgaria after earlier having taken Romania.

The Allies are poised to be on top of Berlin in three turns which is where we had adjusted the victory scale turn order based on the US entry.  But there was at least one turn when the Axis would have met the victory conditions, so my incompetence is shown for all to see.

We should have our third player back next week for the first time in months so the game is probably done at this point.  It would be nice to get in one more session to finish this one off, but this one at least shows me that I am closer to actually getting my game together.   

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