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Messages - kriegspieler7

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Following my experience at Gen Con Indy and the games at my house, I think that I've come to the conclusion that Naval Units do not need to return to port after a battle.  Otherwise, in the words of one gamer, "Midway would never have happened."  Response by the opponent needs to be allowed.  A better way would be to say: "At the end of a turn, all naval units needto be in a sea zone adjacent to a friendly land territory/island.  (Similar to what happens to air units after a battle, that they need to return to an airbase somewhere.)

More details are not necessarily good, but if they help clarify some of the elements of the game that may be helpful.   Next.

Game Design / USSR too Strong?
« on: August 18, 2008, 10:16:44 AM »
Greetings!  Glad you're back Mark!
I just got back from GenConIndy.  Had a few players for tS4EnA, but not many.  I just don't have the celebrity appeal that John and Mark have.  And with my ADD and not having a lot of experience playing the game, I'm sure I frustrated a few players.  Anyway, on to the point:  One comment from one of the "newby's" was that after playing the USSR, he hadn't ever played a game with Russia that strong.  Any comment?

You guys really put some work into it.  I really appreciate being able to read all your ideas and suggestions in the forum. 
Here is my 1 1/2 cents contribution.  As to ship movements, I had a thought about using something called "a radius of action."  It goes like this, in reference to the European Theatre:
         1.  A ship/naval unit/task force begins its movement from a friendly port (e. g. Gibraltar)/land area (Egypt) and moves no more than 3 sea areas to engage in combat.  Carrier Planes may move one more area from that spot.
          2.  Combat ensues/occurs according to previous rules.
          3.  After combat concludes, the naval unit(s) must return either to the "port/land area" they originated from or another friendly port/land area.  They cannot remain in the sea zone in which combat occured.

Maybe just giving the naval units the ability to move 6/8 sea zones with the requirement of returning to port ff. combat will accomplish the same goals.
Please correct me, but I'm not sure whether or  not according to the present rules that naval units have to return to port or can stay in the same/nearby sea zone where combat occurred.

Your thoughts are welcomed.  kriegspieler7

Game Design / Re: Victory Points
« on: July 13, 2008, 04:34:00 AM »
Thanks Yoper.  You da' man.


Game Design / Re: Victory Points
« on: July 12, 2008, 09:40:09 AM »
Not trying to be demanding.  Just waiting for an answer to original question/query.  :-\  Patience is a viral thing, or something along that line.


Game Design / Victory Points
« on: July 07, 2008, 04:40:25 PM »
Greetings!  Got a group of guys to play the game on a regular basis and we're having a lot of fun and really enjoying the game.  Thanks again Mark and John et al.!

Just a couple of quick questions, and if they are addressed elsewhere, please point me in the right direction.
     1.  Is there a listing of all the victory points and thier locations on the map someplace in the rules?
     2.  Is it true that Germany only has a few vp's like @3 in "Greater Germany"?
They really have to do some "bookin'" to get the needed vp's, but then, I suppose that was the case, anyway.

Thanks.  kriegspieler7

P.S.  Do you see the irony of your NEWS: line?  We will NOT be at GenCon this year do [sic] to conflicts!  What are you talking about?  It's a freaking "Conflict Simulation Game!"  Of course, you'll have conflicts!  That's why you put it together!  Did you loose too many games to make it?  :D   (I amaze myself sometimes, and then again, not even that often.)

General Discussion / Re: Online play? Ever thought about it?
« on: June 09, 2008, 03:27:07 PM »
I'm not sure, but I know Xeno Games has World at War online.  Maybe one of those gamers or the company can give you some idea.

Game Design / Re: Air unit ideas and topics addressed
« on: May 29, 2008, 03:55:39 PM »
Excellent idea re: air unit limits.  Makes a lot of sense and is simple to both grasp and implement. 

Kudos 2 U guys!

Game Design / Re: Problems with airbase attacks
« on: May 28, 2008, 03:35:59 PM »
If you are married and raising a family, you are to quote the old sage, "busier than a one-armed paper hanger!"  'Nuff said.

Part of the issue with the "airbase attack" was that I think it's a misnomer, (though I don't know how better you could have named it.)  You are not really trying to destroy your opponent's "air base," rather, you're trying to destroy your opponent's air units using the "air space's" capability above the air base.  That thought struck me when I was reading the forum re: air base attacks.  You all probably knew that though.   :-[

Are the rules you're coming up with, John, going to be just for tAS4E or will they apply to tS4EnA, or both?

Game Design / Re: Problems with airbase attacks
« on: May 26, 2008, 06:16:55 AM »
5) Building on the present airbase rules, say that every clear territory is a Level 3 airbase and every flag territory is a Level 5 airbase. I don’t know if this would solve the problem or not, but it would at least force players to be a little more historical in the deployment of aircraft. I know some might carp about it, but this wouldn’t be the first time stacking limits were used in a game to force historical play. If this limit is too harsh, you could allow Level 5 airbases to be built in clear territories and Level 3 airbases to be built in flag territories; this would up the stacking limits in a clear territory to 5 and 8 in a flag territory.

. . . In our games we are currently using all of the airbase rules, with the addition that aircraft on a coast or island block supply into or through that sea zone unless there is a combat ship in that zone. We also allow the defending aircraft to react to an amphibious assault, and allow the attacker to send aircraft into the sea zone containing transports for the amphibious assault to fly CAP.

Good ideas here.  I'd like to see each numbered and un-numbered area be able to have air units on them equal to +1 of the resources available, for instance: 

          No resources= 1 air unit (This would include islands.)
          1 resource= 2 air units
          2 resources= 3 air units, etc.

This would take into account the infrastructure needed to utilize airpower.  3/5 airbases could still be constructed, adding to the amount of air units able to use the territory/area.

This probably was talked about somewhere else in the forum area, but I think it could be applied here. 

And while you could use the square flags to say that the navies control the sea zones, you could use the A&A roundels to say that the air forces control the sea zones.  Just a thought. ;D

4) When the attacking planes roll, any result of a 5 or 6 results in an abort for the defender; aborts are scored before any kills can be recorded. In other words, if there are two defending aircraft and the attacker rolls two 5’s or 6’s, it doesn’t matter how many other dice result in kills – the aborts mean that the defender may retreat his aircraft.

I tried this idea at Gen Con Indy a couple of years ago and it seemed to work with the Axis and Allies Wakoras I was trying to run.  (The game didn't run very well, but some of the rules did.)  When an air or naval unit rolled a six (6), that unit had to withdraw, signifying all sorts of stuff, mechanical difficulties, lack of sufficient ammo, fuel, other supplies, poor coordination/communication, any kind of logistical difficulties.  This might not be workable for tS4EnA though.

General Discussion / Re: CONVENTIONS
« on: May 03, 2008, 01:07:57 PM »
I'm missing something.  Aren't the basic air units already in the game? Or is this something different?   ???

And it would appear that Yoper's Magic/Ultra isn't working as well.   It sounds like he's lost some of his agents :o  I hope you do as he says, he sounds dangerous and threatening.   ;D

General Discussion / Re: CONVENTIONS
« on: April 14, 2008, 06:28:58 AM »
I'll be going to Gen Con Indy.  There's a mistake re: cost of playing the longer games if you go to the GCI website.  It should only be for $6.  And they will use the standard rules, without too much extra.  The shorter games will be a little different, with a twist or two, hence, "Speer's Gambit."

I hope to take some pics and will give a review ff. its conclusion. 

Peace, Love, Dope to all you grognards.

General Discussion / Re: CONVENTIONS
« on: March 31, 2008, 06:22:11 PM »
I just noticed, you won't be at Gen Con Indy this year.  What a disappointment.
I'll get over it though.  To quote Forest Gump, "It happens."  Now I'll have to bring my game and hope there'll be some takers.  I hope I can still offer it.  You guys keep up the good work. 

How about sending me some cards to hand out?

Game Design / Re: Factories: Don't start with that?
« on: March 31, 2008, 06:08:27 AM »
Thanks for the timely response.  I can't wait to play you guys and get beat at GenConIndy in August.

Wait, did I say that right?

Game Design / Re: Factories: Don't start with that?
« on: March 30, 2008, 05:21:09 PM »
Yoper, you jogged my memory.  I thought of this when playing just the "Struggle for Asia" scenario,  but forgot it.  Now the question: if factories can only be built on home territories with production centers, and when playing the UK in that the S4A scenario, a factory could only be built "off map," in Great Britain, and nowhere else in Asia, say in India or Australia.

Is that correct, or could no factory be built by the UK player at all?  :-\

Again, if this is covered in the rules or there is a forum thread, I welcome the clarification.

Thanks in advance.

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