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Rules questions from first edition / Re: When does US roll for economic damage?
« Last post by sleipner on May 15, 2017, 10:24:01 AM »
Ok. Thanks!
Rules questions from first edition / Re: When does US roll for economic damage?
« Last post by Mark on May 14, 2017, 04:33:45 PM »
The intent was for it to happen every turn to help force the Japanese to go to war.  The economic 'attack' represents oil and steel embargo to Japan and its impact on Japan's war production.
Rules questions from first edition / Re: When does US roll for economic damage?
« Last post by sleipner on May 12, 2017, 05:39:58 PM »
Is the economic attack a one-time thing or possible to do each turn?
I live in Louisville, and have also been looking for players of historical games. I own both versions of this game. Let me know if you want to get together.
Good to hear from you! We have been focused on the 2nd edition and slugging it out frequently. We have been going to Consim world in AZ - end of May - just in case :)
Greetings John and Mark and company.  After somewhat of a long hiatus, I am again able to be involved with board wargames.  Also, FYI, I have taken the 1st Edition and added/subtracted some from the combat and build tables.  I don't plan on marketing this, but would like to share some of those changes with you.  For instance,
while INF hits on a 1, an INF + a RTY hits on <2 when attacking, and a <3 when defending against all but RMR units: and an INF and an A-T gun vs. RMR units hits on a <3 when defending.  I have some electrical difficulties at the time so my camera isn't working, but I do hope to have something for you to chew on.  The changes  suggest a more realistic approach to the conflict, I think, but what do I know?  Good to see the 2ND edition is doing well.  Keep up the good work.  I hope to make it to Origins, in Columbus, OH.  Maybe we'll be able to meet and you can "stare me down" over some adult beverage (like coffee or tea, you know what I mean.)  All the best.
RULES (UPDATED APRIL 2018) / Re: Rulebook July 2016
« Last post by Mark on November 04, 2016, 10:44:55 AM »
We were seeing too much flexibility for transport planes to move all infantry.  Historically, mountain units and para units had lighter equipment (pack artillery) and were the ones that were often air transported (not regular divisions with their heavier artillery and other heavier auxilery units).  for example, the Germans planned air landed a mountain division in Crete once the paratroopers secured the airfields. . .So, historically, it makes sense to limit this to mountain and para units  - and it also limits the flexibility of transport planes.
RULES (UPDATED APRIL 2018) / Re: Rulebook July 2016
« Last post by georgemak1 on November 04, 2016, 08:37:03 AM »
I wonder what was the reason, transport planes to only carry mnt and para troops?
RULES (UPDATED APRIL 2018) / Re: Rulebook July 2016
« Last post by John D. on November 04, 2016, 06:17:49 AM »
That sounds perfect!
RULES (UPDATED APRIL 2018) / Rulebook July 2016
« Last post by Darkman on October 29, 2016, 09:06:01 PM »
Hello guys,

let's figure out or ask Mark :-) 

What's actually new in the 2016 Rulebook (Dropbox)

What i found is

- ZoC: Naval over Air
- Modified V1 / V2 rules
- Modified Rules for rerolls for Russia & Britain
- No more replenishment ships?
- Only Paratrooper & Mountain Inf can use Transport planes?

Anything else new?
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