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Topics - Wolf

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Rules Questions & Clarifications / Submarines and ZOC's
« on: September 29, 2012, 06:48:49 AM »

Just a quick clarification:  I THINK I know how this works, but I want to make sure.

Surface warships control the Sea Zone they are in.  In addition, Cruisers and Aircraft control Adjacent Sea Zones (their Zone of Control).


Submarines may freely move (both tactically and strategically) through enemy occupied sea zones as well as enemy ZOCs without initiating combat. Likewise, enemy naval units may move freely through enemy submarine occupied sea zones (both tactically and strategically) without initiating combat.

Reading from this, Submarines do not actually control the Sea Zone they are in.  They may attack units that move through (Movement Interdiction Combat), but they do not control the sea zone.

Supply -

You may not trace supply through Sea Zones that are controlled by the enemy.  The rules repeatedly state "Surface Naval Units" as blocking supply, over and over again.

So, my read is that Submarines, by themselves, DO NOT BLOCK SUPPLY.

Is this correct?

Rules Questions & Clarifications / Front Line Unit Types
« on: September 21, 2012, 01:10:39 PM »

This is going to sound really stupid, but I have read through the rules pretty thoroughly, and do not see this information anywhere: 

What constitutes a "Front Line" unit?

I realize I have played nearly 2 years of a nasty war in China running on assumptions, and I think I did a pretty good job, but there are some "fuzzy" bits.  Here is my "interpretation", for lack of a better word:

All Infantry types are considered Front Line, remembering the special rules around Paratroops the first round they are dropped.

All Mechanized Infantry and Panzer Grenadier units are Front Line units.

All Armor Types are Front Line units.  - Except, here is the first "fuzzy" area.   What about StuG's?  Assault Guns?  Are the Front Line (they are listed as having Armor Effects, so my assumption is yes.  They were used a Tank Destroyers more often that Support Guns, and Support Guns were used up close and personal like, anyway).  Do they have an option?  Could they be deployed as Support Units?

My assumption is that SP artillery would be considered Support Units, but again, I just a little unclear on this.

AA Guns and German 88's get a Special Mention:
Resolve Anti-Aircraft Combat
If the attacker or defender has anti-aircraft guns or '88's with an AA value, they may elect to deploy them in front line or in support anti-aircraft mode. An unlimited number of AA units may be deployed as support units.
AA guns and 88’s may fire at ground units in the normal ground combat phase as front line ground units instead of deployed to fire during the anti-aircraft phase.  AA guns have a defense value of “3” and 88’s defend in ground combat with a value of “6* or less” (and 88’s are considered AT guns when inflicting casualties.

And that leads me to believe that AT guns are Front Line Units, as well.

All Artillery are Support Units (with the confusion about StuG's).  Does that count Katusha's as well?

It is my suggestion that you put together a small chart, in the Ground Combat area of the rules, laying out which units fall into what category, and listing any "either/or" units you wish.

PS: I want to state how much I REALLY like this combat system.  It solves a number of problems with the A&A "Dogpile" combat, and incorporates several really nifty combat options from the Europa style of combat, without going to the 3:1 combat charts.

Rules Questions & Clarifications / Air vs Naval Combat (i.e.: Pearl Harbor)
« on: September 17, 2012, 05:40:54 PM »

I feel very comfortable with the Combat system, for the most part.  It is fun and fast, and leads to a lot of "nail biting".

I understand how aircraft are used in combination with ground combat, with a round of Air-to-Air combat prior to arranging units on the Ground Battle Chart.

I feel pretty confidant about naval battles, as well.

What I am NOT 100% about is Carrier Battle, where a raid is launched from an adjacent sea zone, like the Pearl Harbor raid.

Is it limited to a single attack round, instead of the normal 4?  I read where as long as there are combat ships still in contact with each other, nothing REQUIRES someone to retreat from the battle.  But that is just it.  This is NOT a battle.  It is an Air Raid.  There are NO ships in contact.

At this point, I would interpret the rules to state that only a single round of Air Raid is permitted, but I would like your interpretation of this, as well.

Rules Questions & Clarifications / Weather effects in the Pacific
« on: September 13, 2012, 08:14:02 AM »

I added this to my local Pacific Rules:

Winter effects are limited to Russia, Korea, Japan, Canada, Alaska, the non-jungle areas of China, and the mountains of India. No other area of the Pacific map is affected by Winter.

The Canada and Alaska references are a little silly, but I was trying to be thorough.  It is however, very relevant for fighting in Southern China, near Shanghai, and on down through French Indo-China and into Burma.

Rules Questions & Clarifications / Timing in Battles
« on: September 12, 2012, 04:07:32 PM »

Enjoying this a lot.

I understand that forces that enter a battle on different chit draws fight at different times.  The first troops to engage in battle are "Front Line" with later "reinforcements" starting in the reserves.  No problem there.  Clean system, works well.

What about forces that enter on the SAME chit draw, but from different directions?  Are they all "Front Line"?  This is particularly relevant to breaking out of encirclements, when the escaping force is being aided by a relieving force (or, in the case I am looking at, 3 relieving forces)


Rules Questions & Clarifications / Advanced Pacific Game
« on: September 10, 2012, 07:25:38 AM »

When trying new games, I will sometimes break them down into more “bite-sized” pieces, to help me understand the rules.

With that in mind, I have started playing a 1939 game of Japan vs. China.  I am striving to keep it inside the larger context of Japan's total war effort.  I make sure I advance the Fleet Carrier that is in production, and build Elite Zero and Naval Bomber pieces to adorn its flight decks once it launches.  But, I am putting a majority of my finances into bringing the “Mainland Problem” under control.

There may be only 1 VP up for grabs in China (Chunking) but there is 10PP worth of territories that can be claimed, even ignoring Hong Kong for the moment. (That is a 40% increase in my basic economy.  Oh yeah I am going for that!)

BTW – I really Love/Hate the addition of Terrain to the map.  I love it because it really adds to the difficulty of dealing with the Chinese up in the mountains, and jungles and such, which, as the Japanese Player, is also why I hate it...

Some Questions / Clarifications to the rules:

Communist China
Communist China operates differently from other nations in the game.  They do not count up production points like other nations, instead, Communist China receives one 2-3 infantry unit every in turn in any controlled territory.  Chinese units are always in supply.  Communist Chinese units may never voluntarily retreat from a territory (but may voluntarily retreat after the first round of combat if attacked). In addition to the one 2-3 infantry Communist China receives during the place builds phase every turn, any vacant territory in mainland China (not Hong Kong or Manchuria) also receives one extra infantry unit for free.

Now, I am reading the bit that says
“Communist Chinese units may never voluntarily retreat from a territory (but may voluntarily retreat after the first round of combat if attacked).”
as REALLY meaning
“The Communist Chinese Player may not push all of his units up front, so as to grow new, free units in his rear areas.” 

Am I right about that?

Also, a clarification about the Commonwealth:

If playing the Pacific theater only, British & Commonwealth production starts both the 1939 and 1941 game with 20PP.  However, these PP may not be spent once the Western Allies are at war with Japan. The build units phase after Britain/CW are at war with Japan, the British AP player may spend the 20PP and the collect income for those on-board and off-board production points that are in supply as per the normal collect income rules.

I am guessing that it should read “However, these PP may not be spent UNTIL the Western Allies are at war with Japan."

I am further assuming that means no Lend-Lease to the Chinese until War with Japan.

Game Design / Question about German Builds
« on: September 02, 2012, 08:51:43 AM »
I have been poking around these forums for awhile now, reading after action reports, and looking at a lot of the great design and thought that went into this game.

So, I have a question about the German builds:

Why no Light Armor?  Say, 3+3, 5*/4, representing Panzer III's?

I realize the German chart is already Armor heavy, with Panzers, Hvy Panzers, SS Panzers, Stug's, etc et al ad nauseum...

Was the decision made to represent the "Shock and Awe" of the early Blitzkrieg?  Or did you just not want to deal with swapping out Panzer IV's for Panzer III's?

As a History buff and game designer myself, I am genuinely curious.

Wolf  :)

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