Forum Index > Game Design

1941 Version


With the 1941 scenario, approximately how long would a game take?

Also, how long would you consider a full game to take?  This is with each country played by there own person.  I'm figuring this as about 15 hours or less, if played to compleation.

John D.:
1941 Version played out till the end (assuming Axis do not win earlier by capturing enough victory points) should take 10 hours assuming you are playing the entire world version. Less if you are just playing the European or Pacific theater...

If you have 5-6 players and at least four of them know what they are doing, the '39 game is about a 14-15 hour game to Autumn 1945 But most games will end before Autumn 45. Less players or less experienced players will make the game go a little longer.

The 1941 game is more like 10-12 hours depending on experience and number of players.  1941 Pacific or Europe only is a little faster - about 8-10 hours.  The Pacific theatre game is really only a 2-3 player game.  The European theatre is ideal as a 3-4 person game.  Worldwide is ideal for 5+ players, though we have played it many times with just 2-3 players - just takes a little longer - a lot to manage.


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